Showing posts with label original. Show all posts
Showing posts with label original. Show all posts


here goes another one 1-2-1-2

always alone its never enough
why can't i be the only one
obviously i'm not enough
little girl of seven or eight
i don't like boys there not my want
and i never wanna taste the stuff they say that .....

already by eleven or twelve
i dont wanna play nice
ill just be the other lover
i know it'll all fail
 i'll be that other woman .....or ever trusted friend
more devious then....or wanting to be then i'lll ever be or ever have been

its not enough to be with you
assumed the dull role as the  live in guest
a servant of chance of something coming in
knowing ever word thats came out of his heart and out of that pen

ya maybe i didn't tell you enough how great you are
that the reason i chose you and continue to stay with you is you are the brightest f*ing star
in a solar system of nothings you attract the best and the stars who cant burn as bright
slowly faid into that moonlersss night
that ever dreaded abyss

and me you know i'm only fizzle
but you gathered me all up and kept me through some seemed hopeless nights
and ya i fall back in love with you even when i'm trying to see we're no good in full circle
well not really its just that i don't think  u could ever know and never will u pseudo-sun

its a bet and a ball maybe some jacks.....

i'm not gonna leave....cuz we both know. id never come back
with a flask some bars i bid you goodnight
you never listened to that stupid song i didn't write and ya just kno it is no big deal but dont lie to the birds just tell the demons how you feel about all my zilked ramblings and that annoying look i do all those reasons that you hate about you...i mean me its me not just a reflection of self when one brings up pushes down and then drowns the one that they love
i've never been one for exits so i'll turn out the light
sit in the space that is my muse, likeness, n make light
of all the things that i love and the futures soo bright and what the delirium brings to consume and change me to another and see another side



ok so say it aint so

u kno how we do

<div><object type='application/x-shockwave-flash' data=''  height='24' width='290'> <param name='movie' value=''> <param name='FlashVars' value='soundFile='> <param name='quality' value='high'> <param name='menu' value='false'> <param name='wmode' value='transparent'> </object></div><div><a href=''>thank god.egg</a> on <a href=''>Aviary.</a></div>



You know the kind that let themselves get beaten and broken down
Oh that’s so pathetic what a poor soul
she's a mess who'se lost all control
oh No no no no

The kind that thinks of the good but always craves the bad
Ya always wants the best for everyone not usually ignored
Sometimes she can make a room go silent with just an entrance
But no no no

Ya you wish u were her

love to beg, be ignored, and left alone
No this isn’t sarcasm, no its not a mental illness
Its just a feeling, a feeling uncatchable in the norm

Why do u think she stays their
No she is anything but unaware
Feeling like nothing
Living for the fight
No and oh no it’s much more than just a fight or the drama queens love of barely  clinging to life.

Love it can’t get enough oh how I hate it hate it all so good
Put me down, make me feel like nothing and never look back
That’s the way to tie me in
The way he got my heart
Again and again